Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Other

The first time I laid eyes on her I was completely taken.  She took me to somewhere I had never been.  She stood there with her lips pressed against the mic singing of things that I could not even hear in that moment.  She held her guitar more perfectly than I could want her to.  I stood in front and studied everything about this person.  It can't be possible that I am having these aching feelings of lust.  I have a boyfriend that I live with and we will one day be married and have children together.  And now all of the sudden I'm standing here face to face with a girl.  I am in love with her.  I'm a lesbian?  Aren't we born with this shit?  How did I not know?  I watched their whole set and near the end I start thinking of ways to get her attention without seeming like a stalker.  I hope my life partner is not picking up on my new found love.  I was trying to play it cool.  As the band was packing their gear up, I saw one of my guy friends talking to her.  I walked up to him and he hugged me and introduced me to my crush.  We talked for a little while about where they were from and how they got on the bill for this show.  She asked me why I was there and I explained that my boyfriend was in the band that was headlining.  She didn't seem impressed.  When my boyfriends band came on she walked up and stood next to me.  This wouldn't be the last time we stood together at shows.  We became friends.  She became the best friend that I would ever have.  I stood up for her, fought for her, I made people bleed - all for her.  This was all in the name of friendship.  She had no idea that I was head over heals.  What did she do for me?  She got high off me sticking up for her and it made me more subservient.  She would one day show me how much our friendship meant to her.  Which I learned very quickly was very little.  I had no idea she was capable of remaking me forever.  She did and I am now me.

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